- An old man reposed on a bench in the park. 一位老人躺在公园的长凳上。
- He laid off his sweat suit on a bench and went into the shower room. 他把球衫裤往长凳上一放就到淋浴室去了。
- He carved an inscription on a bench. 他将一则题字刻在长凳上。
- An old man repose on a bench in the park. 一位老人躺在公园的长凳上。
- The photo shows them sitting on a bench. 该照片显示他们坐在长凳子上。
- His actors were a bench of sticks. 他的演员是一帮蹩脚货。
- A black man was snoring on a bench. 一个黑人躺在长椅上打鼾。
- He carved an inscription on a bench . 他将一则题字刻在长凳上。
- On a bench in the obscurity sat the negro Jess. 而那个叫杰斯的黑人就坐在阴暗处的长凳上。
- I'm just a bench warmer on the football team. 我只是个候补的足球球员。
- They were sitting side by side on a bench. 他们并肩坐在一张长椅上。
- Brooks sits alone on a bench, feeding pigeons. 布鲁克斯独自坐长椅上,喂鸽子。
- There's a bench under a poplar tree. 白杨树下有一条长凳。
- One, such as a magistrate, who occupies a bench. 拥有政府职位的人,如地方行政官
- Jerry became a bench warmer last winter. 去年冬天杰里变成了候补球员
- I will buy her a bench of flowers which she loves best. 我要为她买一束她最喜欢的花。
- After walking a mile we plunked down on a bench to rest. 我们走了一英里路以后,一屁股坐在长凳上休息。
- He picked up his daughter and sat her down on a bench. 他抱起女儿,把她放在长凳上坐下。
- One of the servants put a bench in front of the spinet. 有个侍从放了一张长凳在钢琴前。
- They seated themselves upon a bench that stood by the lake. 他们在湖畔的一条长凳上坐下。